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What do you want to swap?
Choose between Bitcoin (BTC), Lightning Network, Monero (XMR), Litecoin (LTC), and Dash (DASH).

    Last month statistics:
  • 0.1786 Bitcoin (Lightning)
  • 315.1142 Monero
  • 0.6190 Bitcoin
  • 118.2583 Litecoin
  • 52.0027 Dash
  • 8402.2913 DOGE

  • Last month supply & demand:
  • 0.1140 ⬇️ / 0.0646 ⬆️ Bitcoin Lightning
  • 186.3537 ⬇️ / 128.7605 ⬆️ Monero
  • 0.2571 ⬇️ / 0.3707 ⬆️ Bitcoin
  • 39.5079 ⬇️ / 78.7504 ⬆️ Litecoin
  • 50.3295 ⬇️ / 1.6731 ⬆️ Dash
  • 795.5191 ⬇️ / 7606.7722 ⬆️ DOGE
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