Our main domain has been blacklisted by spamhaus. Until we get it cleared, there is no way to reply to feedback reports. Please wait 2-3 days

What do you want to swap?
Choose between Bitcoin (BTC), Lightning Network, Monero (XMR), Litecoin (LTC), and Dash (DASH).

    Last month statistics:
  • 0.1252 Bitcoin (Lightning)
  • 202.2652 Monero
  • 0.5369 Bitcoin
  • 153.9782 Litecoin
  • 6.6754 Dash
  • 7639.8930 DOGE

  • Last month supply & demand:
  • 0.0595 ⬇️ / 0.0657 ⬆️ Bitcoin Lightning
  • 80.9612 ⬇️ / 121.3039 ⬆️ Monero
  • 0.3750 ⬇️ / 0.1538 ⬆️ Bitcoin
  • 43.3898 ⬇️ / 110.5884 ⬆️ Litecoin
  • 5.2930 ⬇️ / 1.3824 ⬆️ Dash
  • 5090.3728 ⬇️ / 2549.5202 ⬆️ DOGE

At this moment there are 1 STUCK TRADES without any email or refund address. Please leave us a feedback message with an email address, so we can contact you. Please leave us a refund address, so we can refund you. Also leave us any other details such as deposit address, amount or timestamp so we can find your swap transaction (if you lost it).

If you used an email address when you wrote a feedback, please check your spam folder, because we probably wrote you back!

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